Meet our Trainers, Associates and Graduates of Hal Steiner's World of Dogs

Hal Steiner,
Master Animal Trainer
Owner and Founder RMCDI


Hal has spent over 45 years breeding and training dogs. He has devoted his career to developing synergistic relationships between humans and animals, including horses, dogs, wolves, birds and cats- domestic & wild.

Brian Nottingham,
Assistant Trainer, Co-Founder RMCDI
Horn Hunter Birch
A close friend, Brian, has spent much of his life alongside Hal training dogs. He has over 15 years of experience training working dogs.
Wendell Walker
Assistant Trainer
Professional Dog Agitator

Mentor and lifelong friend, Wendell put in decades as head agitator being attacked by Hal and his dogs.
John Ribich
Assistant Trainer
Wolf trainer, dog agitator, obedience trainer, aggressive dog handler, mentor and lifelong friend.
Russell Murray, Hal Steiner (Unit Commander),
Rick Franco
Scooter, Dino, Tasha
Tishman Spyer Properties Specialized Anti Terrorist and Bomb Team

Meet our Associates and Graduates of Hal Steiner's World of Dogs

And others to numerous, to mention, thank you for your service!

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